geodesic distance

英 [ˌdʒiːəʊˈdesɪk ˈdɪstəns] 美 [ˌdʒiːoʊˈdesɪk ˈdɪstəns]

网络  测地线距离; 测地距; 测地距离; 距离



  1. Based on the characteristic of the geodesic, the distance between the corresponding points in adjacent cutter contact curves can be adjusted adaptively according to the local character of the surface.
  2. The geodesic distance way can give expression to Topology relation of model, they will have a various of application between both ways.
  3. After applying the morphological gradient operator, geodesic distance and watershed transformation to the processed image, the cranium and meninges of brain magnetic resonance image are segmented precisely.
  4. Shape Distribution Algorithm Based on Geodesic Distance
  5. A method of constructing a continuity function defined over the sphere based upon the spherical geodesic inverse distance is presented, which can also be used to solve the scattered data surface interpolation on the surface topologically equivalent to a sphere.
  6. The proposed method is an improvement of the geodesic distance function approach and morphological median approach, which increases the method's effectiveness.
  7. Here, we discuss another way which is geodesic distance.
  8. The Concept and Algorithms of Geodesic Distance in GIS
  9. Using geodesic distance to discover the intrinsic geometry of the manifold, the geodesic Gabriel graph was constructed to locate the critical local regions where the local linear discriminants would be learned.
  10. Using the extension technique of geodesic distance metrics on multinomial manifolds, we also generalized the method for object recognition by matching Gabor magnitude co-occurrence matrices on product multinomial manifold with boundary.
  11. We improve the image segmentation based on geodesic distance, accelerating the segmentation speed and at the same time improve the quality of image segmentation to an extent.
  12. In the proposed scheme, which is based on linear profile controlling scheme on Riemannian geodesic non-uniform motion, more local features ( log-Euclidean distance) near the interpolated tensor contributed to optimize interpolation.
  13. The new method adds the label information, and adopts the geodesic distance rather than Euclidean distance as the measure of the difference between two data points when conducting calculation.
  14. Finally, we propose a real-time feedback interactive image segmentation which is mainly the image segmentation approaches based on paint selection and geodesic distance.
  15. While, geodesic distance is a kind of Manifold distance which is better to show the intrinsic link of genes.
  16. In this paper, the characteristics of gene selection methods are validated using the leukemia data set, the main research work are as follows: 1. A feature gene selection method based on geodesic distance is proposed.
  17. In order to solve the problem, an edge keeping local fitting model is proposed by introducing a geodesic time kernel function which is combined the spatial distance information and image data information to redesign the energy function.
  18. By adopting geodesic distance as the distance metric, we success-fully generalize the 2D fast Poisson-disk sampling algorithm to 3D mesh surfaces.
  19. In addition, we equip the embedded ( product) submanifold with the information metric built by the geodesic distance metrics of factor multinomial manifolds.
  20. At past, obtaining the features of 3D facial expression variance is based on geodesic distance, but usually it is very complex on computation and has low rate of recognition accuracy on open mouth expression.